Sunday, November 18, 2012

The artist in me

I don't always like to toot my own horn, but I have to admit that I take my academics seriously. Now that I am much older than typical college age, I have learned the importance of keeping a good g.p.a. I currently have a 4.0, but that may come to an end soon by the one class I thought would be an easy A!

I am taking a Drawing I course, and it has been the death of me. I have struggled every week, with every assignment, and I have a B. I am in denial/shock that there is not a paper I can write to fix my grade. I thought I would document my latest assignment which was drawing fabric or paper. I chose to do paper because after trying to draw fabric, I found I do not have the patience to do the work carefully. ( I later found out that I was the only student to attempt paper, because it is SUPER HARD!)

Below, you can see my drawing transform from nothing to the end product. I think I got a B on the assignment, but I did my best to try for an A.

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